Werken op deze inspirerende plek is haast onvermijdelijk. Atelier Gaasterland laat je creativiteit stromen. Een paar dagen op deze spot tillen je op en doen beseffen hoeveel er uit het (werk-)leven, in het grootse en in het kleine dagelijkse, te halen valt.
Read MoreThis can be your house, dream, achievement, project, energy, shift… Simply can’t believe it has only been three weeks since I returned from San…
Read MoreI am in a colorful market hall for creative and local entrepreneurs in the bustling Watershed building in the V&A Waterfront. Nice coffee spots, beautiful small shops and crafts, liveliness, big stairs to sit on. It seems more than a shopping area. Clearly this space is also designed for events. My attention is drawn and following the stairs, I notice there’s a coworking space on the first floor!
Read MoreOf course we’re curious. 18.000 m2 start-up and coworking space is a lot. A lot. Together with Chantal Smeyers, who’s one of the founders of coworking space ‘De Werkfabriek’ in The Hague, I hit the road to go to Amsterdam. B. Amsterdam; battery cage for starting entrepreneurs or inspiring nursery for the new economy?
Read MoreGetriggerd door de Facebook pagina van WeWork op naar Amsterdam met stagiair Mitchell Hendriks (HKU) om deze nieuwe werk-hotspot aan de Weteringschans te bewonderen….
Read MoreIn Kaapstad ontmoet ik Marcelle Mudde, ondernemer en mede initiatiefnemer van Cool Cape Town. Een mooi gesprek over werken en leven in Kaapstad, ondernemerschap, drijfveren en bijdragen aan Zuid-Afrika.
Read MoreLolo Loren is a Dutch artist living in Ibiza. Lolo was born as Lise Lorraine Gelderman in Rotterdam. Lolo’s career shifted from styling towards art. And I am curious to hear more about her work and life, visiting her in Ibiza…
Read MoreInterieur architect, collega en vriendin Saskia Vrolijk was in Kopenhagen om inspiratie op te doen voor haar ontwerpen. Zij is, samen met haar man Arie Alderliesten, eigenaar van Conceptstore Studio van ’t Wout in Den Haag. Een blik op de stad door de ogen van deze creatieve ontwerper en haar visie op design.
Read MoreWerken op deze inspirerende plek is haast onvermijdelijk. Atelier Gaasterland laat je creativiteit stromen. Een paar dagen op deze spot tillen je op en doen beseffen hoeveel er uit het (werk-)leven, in het grootse en in het kleine dagelijkse, te halen valt.
Read MoreHow to get the most out of your travel experience, city trip or business incentive? How to take it to the next level when you are well traveled? Are you eager to look behind the city facade? Entertaining clients or looking for business inspiration and fresh ideas? Never stop exploring. One of my most memorable off the beaten path and enriching experiences was an urban safari in New York City, curated by Dutch New Yorker Pim Philip.
Read MoreNew York City. City that never sleeps. City of newcomers and the established, rapid developments, underground movements and classy upper sides. City of surprising new trends and hotspots uprising every day. A city that invented the fear of missing out… So when visiting New York; how to pick your places to stay, visit, eat, explore? How to fully experience and ‘live’ the city?
Read MoreAn inspiring worklife, lifestyle, trends, art, the best ideas... I love to travel, meet new people and take a look in other and different lives, places and companies. Learn from them, get new ideas, bring them home or enjoy the meeting of minds. The Style Office is my excuse for this. I started in Copenhagen, a city of design and creative souls. Living there for one month. Working in my virtual office. Sharing stories on the topics of my interest. The story continues in other cities, places and workhubs. And the story continues following the flow of new lifestyles, new work patterns, nomadic ways of working, freedom and contributions to a beautiful and meaningful world of work. Love to share & hope to meet you one day! Rosan #designyourlife
In this magazine you will find my thoughts and inspirations on smart ways of working, a nomadic business mindset, spot on offices, cool places to visit or stay, stories of people I meet or like, art & design and a great lifestyle. Sometimes my friends will share their ideas in this magazine too.