Co/working abroad // A great idea!

‘Are you on a holiday or are you here for work?’

A question people ask me during breakfast at Can Pere Sord. Well, I am both actually…. I love taking time ‘off’ and bring my laptop and to do list.

Being out of the office in another context increases my creativity and productivity. I must admit I cannot do all my work on my laptop in the sun. But creating a focus week in an inspiring environment, helps me to get things done and stay connected to my higher goals. Create full focus on the things that are important, but don’t get enough attention and time because of daily urgencies, calls and routines. So, working on my new website, some new ideas, writing and preparing new coworking concepts (and a trip you can join!) without the daily office distractions in Ibiza, works perfectly fine for me!

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

Yes, getting things done…

The laptop life //

There are times for real holidays in my life too. Times to check out completely, spend time with my love, read, sleep and go with the flow of the day. Getting things done in another place is something else; it takes focus, discipline and a daily rhythm.

This is what I learned about an effective laptop lifestyle:

// Choose a place where you feel comfortable. To me this means choosing a place I know a little or doing good research on forehand. I need a light and comfortable room, good wifi, but also work-zone outside of my room. And I don’t mean the beach or a coffee-place. Those are the places to relax, read books or meet people.

// Set goals. What do you want to get out of your ‘investment’? Just going out there with the ‘idea of work’ on your mind is not effective. It will give you a restless feeling and leaves you with feelings of guilt at the end of the trip. ‘If you don’t know where you are going to, any road will take you there.’ Do create a focus list and make sure you have time to work on it.

// Create a day rhythm. Listen to your ‘work bio-rhythm’ and create a schedule around it. In Ibiza, I start the day early with a walk or some meditation, have breakfast and work on my list (I set small goals per day). After this, it’s time to explore, swim, have a long lunch or meet people. In the evening I work some more. This is a good moment to write for me. Also, I set the goals for the next day…

// If possible, create appointments, meet people, chat, mirror. It might not be easy when you travel alone, but try to meet people to share your ideas. I learned that sharing helps me to find solutions sooner and make decisions easier. Getting feedback is the way to sharpen your ideas. I’m lucky to have my friends of the DNX conference around. So, when we meet, it’s not all about fun and giggles, but about sharing stuff. I always try to throw a challenge I face into the conversation. It helps not to get stuck in an idea, which can really block me and can give me negative feelings. Stay positive, build, evaluate and continue. That’s the real creation process to me.

For The Style Office I always try to make appointments in advance, so I know what I will write about and have enough time to prepare for a good interview.

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!


The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

Meeting and sharing ideas with friends 

Coworkation //

It might feel challenging to you to do this all by yourself? In that case a coworking week or a coworkation might be a good option for you! A fully organized week where you meet people who want to work on a business or personal challenge in another environment too. Who are willing to focus and share.

The advantages of coworking abroad, next to stepping into a fully organized trip with all the facilities arranged for you:

  • Being with like minded people who are motivated to get things done
  • Group support to bring your plans to the next level (share your commitments!)
  • Skill sharing and sharing ideas from different perspectives (this can really sharpen your plans!)
  • Keeping focus and a daily rhythm is easier being part of a group
  • Enjoying new places and discoveries boosts your creativity

Join me? //

Looking forward to share The STYLE Office experiences in person! You can be part of this coworking experience and grow your business! We will share our contacts and access to coworking spaces, our inspirations, hotspots and ideas. The next coworking trips will take place in this beautiful agriturismo in Ibiza in september 2016 and april 2017 (exact dates will be released soon)! I love to share the things I am excited about…

We follow our dream: inspire you to create a great work- and lifestyle!

Stay tuned for the launch of our next coworking trips or send us an email, if you can’t wait and want more details: // All pictures in this post will give you an idea of our beautiful location!

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

The Style Office // Coworking Ibiza!

Our beautiful coworking location Can Pere Sord

All pictures // Rosan Gompers

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The Digital Nomad Lifestyle


The Style Office is a storytelling magazine on urban work- & lifestyle aimed at the next generation creatives & entrepreneurs. We love to share ideas and stories on new ways of working and creative entrepreneurship AND we love to inspire you on a great work- and lifestyle // hashtag #designyourlife // read more about us and learn what we can do for you. We’d love to meet you!